Top 5 Wednesday | Worst Love Interests (male or female) (Feb 24 ’16)

I forgot to post this yesterday. Anyways…let’s get on with it. Top 5 Wednesday was created by Lainey on Goodreads. This week’s topic is Worst Love Interests (male or female).

In no particular order:


Aspen from The Selection by Kiera Cass

I hate it when men/guys/boyfriends try to decide for the girl. And all because of manly ego, because he can’t provide for the girl better. I know that can be a real issue in real life/ reality, but still, asdfghjklasdfghjkl America knows what she’s getting into when they started going out. And the nerve! Trying to get back with America when she’s starting to like the prince.

America from the Selection by Kiera Cass

And ugh, America. I do like her, a bit, but did she really have to string to guys along? Aspen and Mason didn’t deserve that, and I don’t even like Aspen much.


Max from Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins

He’s too jealous. I can’t stand it when the guy is too jealous.


Gideon from Recipe for Love by Katie Fforde

He’s older, and he’s a judge, for goodness sake. Some rules are not meant to be broken, even if you say you’re not biased.


James from Lucy in the Sky by Paige Toon

He cheats. And he knows how to sweet talk someone enough to convince them that they’re telling the truth. I dislike that type.

Sooo…this is kind of like 5 worst interests I recently read about instead of my top 5 because I really can’t think of them. But anyways, thank you for reading.

What are your worst love interests?